Time has passed and with that common convention has changed and people have experimented with new methods or made new clones. With that here’s some new links that are useful. These new links don’t mean the old links aren’t useful still, Simplify3D’s quality guide is still a go to for me.



Run by prusa this is a great resource for 3d printable models and files. If you like designing models has ways to earn free filament based on how used your designs are. There’s contests and a very good selection of things to print.



This is the software that is used to translate your 3D models into something that the 3D printer can print with. It’s maintained by the community and has a lot of nice features for working with things like Octoprint or Klipper



Alternative 3d printer firmware that takes the processing and lets a more powerful board like a Raspberry Pi or computer figure out scheduling and makes the maind board just a fast controller. It has so so many quality of life features that if you understand how to flash it and are comfortable with that process you should. Someone tested klipper with common ish machines and that’s this video

TeachnigTech Github page


Machine not working, go here, machine not tuned, go here, machine not …., probably go here. It is a site I personally use often cause my machines break or my friends machines break and this illustrates the process well and has lots of explanations and video resources

TeachingTech Youtube


Lots of great resources on printing provided in a relatively no nonsense format.



It wasn’t there originally but this or something like it (eg Mainsail for klipper) is now a personal requirement for me on any machine I use.